Project 1

Global North-South exchange

International exchanges between Draufsicht Cameroon and Draufsicht Berlin: Draufsicht Bamenda works directly with youth who are interested in social change and community development. The youths from 15 to 35 years old either in secondary or high, university, self-employed or employed in different areas of work. These young adults are full of potential with different skills.

Project 2

International Justice & Peace Conference Cameroon (IJPC)

The International Justice and Peace Conference (IJPC) in Cameroon will empower Africans to do their own healing in a decolonized context, to connect across centuries-long divides, and to create a social environment where African people can live a life of dignity, safety, and loving- kindness. Together, they co-create in a safe space, discuss grievances, undo layers of colonialism and inequality, and weed out seeds of distrust, fear, and hostility.

Project 3

Non-Communicable Diseases

In the sector of environment and climate action, we have a project on non-communicable diseases that aims to reduce the rate in the community. We also produce radio plays on environmental topics and support initiatives by our volunteers that tackle environmental challenges.

Project 4

Educational Quality in Early Childhood Centers

The main aim of Draufsicht is to promote global learning in the community and in schools. We work with early childhood schools, secondary and universities. We create fun activities in early childhood, collaborate with peace and environmental clubs in secondary schools, and support youths from universities to gain employability skills.

Project 5

Community Empowerment (Peace Outreach program)

The Peace Department runs a program in community schools to engage students in peace-building and inclusion.Creating hope for a better future for children. Peace education instills hope for a better future, even in the midst of conflict.

Project 6

COVID-19 Response

In the humanitarian aid and development sector, we promote the “Do No Harm” principle and empower the community in the process. During the outbreak of COVID-19 outbreak, we installed hand wash stations in communities and sensitized on preventive measures. Some of our youth volunteers carry out projects in orphanages and crisis-affected communities like fundraising to donate school materials to orphans and internally displaced children.

Project 7

Film production

Draufsicht has over twenty (20) volunteer members who are interested in filmmaking. This group of young people produces films that center around the Sustainable Development Goals. The aim of these films is to seek local solutions to global issues. This team also supports organizations in producing documentary films and provides skilled personnel to support in film production.

Project 8

Nonviolent Communication Training

We organize training and facilitate training on nonviolent communication, empathy, self-care, psychosocial support, and creating connections and building relationships.

Project 9


“A Walk to Peace” is a project which tackle narratives from different perspectives by peace advocates crusading for peace and change. Audio visual contents produce in five episodes of 3- 5minutes each. The video preview in an open screening with public discussion on different strategies that local communities can engage in sustainable peace.

This project was implemented with support from DefyhateNow