Community Journalism Network


Community journalism in Anglophone Cameroon

is a project which aims at strengthening the structures for effective peace journalism and by involving the various communities, to place reports on events and conflicts in their context. Moreover, this project seeks to establish a peace-building space for journalists and media workers as well as local community representatives through capacity building, with internationally recognized journalistic quality standards, which will promote peace, and dialogue and later in a post-conflict situation reduce disputes.

This project has a direct target of sixty people, that is; 30 journalists, 20 young people and 10 community leaders. The project also aims at reaching an indirect target of about 20.000 of the population through the use of media like the newsletter, radio program, online articles, and social media. The project seeks to support journalists and community leaders with competencies in regard to international journalistic standards which will enable them to report in a way that will bring peace to the anglophone region.

Our partners for this project are SODI, BMZ, and Aktion Deutschland Hilft (ADH).

Community Journalism


Community Journalism for Environmental Conservation:

There is a need to create awareness that biodiversity and environmental conservation is not only to save nature and wildlife but most importantly it is saving humans. This project will make a great change to narratives of biodiversity in Cameroon.This initiative aims to create  a network of community journalists and storytellers reporting on environment and nature in Cameroon. Encourage journalists and media practitioners to venture into earth journalism and wildlife reporting.

To fight climate change and provide for carbon sequestration and watershed protection by creating  a narrative where communities can preserve and manage natural habitats and ecosystems. Promote  reporting by journalists of activities that promote fertile soil to increase agricultural yields and fight against food insecurity. Engage with policy and decision makers to course legislation regarding conservation and protection of endangered species. To project Cameroon’s rich biodiversity on traditional and modern media.

 The participants should produce audiovisual content that articulates Cameroon’s ecosystem landscape and challenges from the perspective of the indigenous forest people of Cameroon. Create a narrative that promotes co-existent between man, and nature. Draufsicht Bamenda has ambitions to protect the environment and ecosystem by strengthening the capacities of journalists to adequately articulate threats to this ecosystem and environment. 

This project is open for partnership and support.